Munchin’ Mondays

February 3, 2014 

Today was my second day of my “Munchin’ Mondays” series! 

I woke up and had an 8 oz glass of water to start my day!


I had some greek yogurt (chobani) with some granola!

Midmorning snack

For my morning snack, because I get famished by the time it hits 10, I had a serving of mixed nuts. My favorite type are the lightly salted Men’s Health one you can find and virtually any grocery store. I like these because they give you a variety of different kinds of nuts, while not overkilling on the salt department. 


For lunch today I had a wrap! Made with a whole grain tortilla, a couple slices of deli meat turkey, some lettuce, and mustard! One of my all time favorite meals! It is light and fresh and keeps my tummy happy!

Afternoon Snack 

When I got done with classes, I made a realllyyy yummy smoothie! I will have to make a new recipe page about smoothies because I have been creating some REALLY yummy ones! This one was made with bananas, strawberries, cacao powder, protein powder, and almond milk. Let me tell ya…it was gooood. 


For an early dinner before practice, I had a turkey, lettuce, cheese, and mustard sand which and….another smoothie. Sorry, I’m addicted. This smoothie was banana and raspberry! So good as well and it keeps me fuller longer! 


So…I got home around 10 and I was famished. There was no way I could go to bed on such an empty stomach. I had one of those mini chobani greek yogurt cups (mint chocolate chip) and it was to die for! 


That was my day in a nut shell. As always, I made sure to be drinking a lot of water throughout the day to keep me hydrated. 


Happy Munchin! 


January 27, 2014


I started off my day with a single serving size of Chobani Vanilla Greek Yogurt with added organic blueberries (about 2 handfulls) and 2 tbsps of granola. Mix it all together and YUM! It is also pretty filling, which is a plus for me because I am always hungry. Of course, I had my morning cup of coffee; about 6 oz with a splash of Hazelnut Bailey’s coffee cream. Just enough flavor and a great boost to my day.

Mid Morning Snack 

As I have said earlier, I am always hungry. I get hungry like 30 minutes after eating something. Since I definitely don’t starve myself, I have a morning snack usually every day! Today I had a cliff bar (peanut butter and chocolate). I know these bars are not good for you, but I was running late out of my house and I needed to grab a quick snack or I would be famished by lunch (not to mention, stomach growling ferociously in class).



Lunch time! Today for lunch I had a salad of dark, romaine lettuce, sprinkled with some cheese and sliced turkey meat (deli slices….super easy and quick). Lightly seasoned with some Organicville Balsamic Dressing (my favorite). Then I had a side of carrots with hummus and an apple.

Mid afternoon Snack

When I got home from class I was starving…again. So, I had 2 slices of bread and Peanut Butter (My all time favorite meal…if you could call it a meal). YUMMMMY. Literally, I crave this on the daily.


I had an early dinner tonight because I had practice from 6-10pm. I ate a pre-made meal (something I HATE doing…but I did it anyways). Its not totally unhealthy….and it was good! Black beans and rice! YUM! It was Amy’s brand, the best! (click here to experience yumminess)

I am so proud of myself….I didn’t have any late night snacks, which I always crave! Like I said, I get hungry pretty easily. With working out from 6-10, I was especially hungry. But, I didn’t cave.

I drank lots of water throughout the day! My goal is to be drinking at least 2 full bottles of my water (it is a 32 oz bottle). If you want a cute water bottle that holds a lot of liquid, try Victoria’s Secret! They have the best ones with motivational quotes on them!

That’s it for now!




I am starting a new series about what I eat on a daily basis! I got this idea from one of my favorite fashion gurus and blogger, Anna Saccone (The Style Diet…look her up on YouTube!!). She does “What I ate Wednesdays” and they are awesome!

I am starting a “Munchin’ Monday” series where I go into detail about every single thing I eat on Mondays. This is usually a good indicator of how my weekly diet is. I am trying to eat healthier, but of course I slip up more times than not. Being healthy is a journey that never stops and I am on the road to being healthy and fit! I am excited to see where my transformation gets me and I can’t wait to start seeing results not only in my physical state, but in my outlook as well.

So, without further a due, here is my very first Munchin’ Monday!

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