
It’s gonna be May

I can’t believe it is already May! Time has been flying by. This semester has come and gone like a flash. With more time on my hands, I am going to be doing a lot more updates here. As always, Friday’s I always post new material to the site, so be sure to browse around and see what interests you. In my Beauty department, I just added pages about Self Tanners as well as information on Lauren Conrad, one of my all time biggest celebrity girl crushes! 

Coming up this month:

More outfit posts! 

Healthy food ideas

Personal blogs

DIY craft ideas

and hair tutorials!


Let me know if there is something you want to see? Please share with friends and let’s make this a great month. 


“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline” – 2 Timothy 1:7



Kelly Ruth

e-mail me at 

New munchin mondays post and updates!

As promised, my new Munchin’ Mondays post is up and running! Go to my good eats page and click on Munchin’ Mondays to see what I ate yesterday! 

Some new things I have planned for this blog

  1. Smoothie Recipes (hollaaaa)
  2. Workouts
  3. Hair highlights 
  4. Love your talents blog post (February is love month, after all)
  5. I am thinking of starting a “Book club” with reviews and more.. any takers?!

Much, much more is to come, but these are just a few things to keep your eye out for! As always, I will be updating weekly (every Friday) so stay tuned and be sure to check out my blog throughout the week! 



Kelly Ruth

Who is KR?


I honestly doubt anyone is ever going to read this…so this is just for me to have fun and do what I love… pretending to be cool and hip. At first I felt a little weird blogging because everyone does it and sometimes it can  be annoying, but hey; Life is too short to be ashamed of doing what you love.

Anyways, I’m Kelly Ruth (KR). I’m a sophomore in college and an extreme cat lover. Not in like the “I want to be hipster so I’m going to wear cat shirts and drink coffee at a cool coffee shop” kind of way, more like the “I’m obsessed with adorable cats”. I love everything fashion, fitness, health, crafting, and most importantly, JESUS. I strive to do everything in a way that is glorifying to Him.

I am majoring in Secondary Social Studies Education; basically I want to be a high school History teacher! For a moment last year, I was considering changing my major to Apparel Merchandising or something like that; my dream job would be a fashion magazine editor. But, realistically, that’s just not going to happen. I have a passion for teaching, history, dancing, and working with high school students so I feel like that is where the Lord is taking me. But, I do love me some fashion, especially the HISTORY of interesting!

Well, anyways, keep it pretty short and basic. This is me and here is my mod podge of a site!


Kelly Ruth