
Hello Darling

Hello all! So, after lots of thought, I have decided to move my site to a better host site, Wix! I love the freedom I have there of making my site look more professional and it is way more my style. Please check out my new site here

As always, I will be posting updates weekly and transitioning old material onto the new site!


Please SUBSCRIBE to my new site to get e-mail updates here


Once again, I want to thank you for being loyal and watching my blog grow. I would appreciate prayers through this small transition and I would love for you to check out my new site.


Thank you!



Kelly Ruth

New Stuff!

Hey everyone! I have been posting quiet a few new things for the past couple of weeks. Be sure to browse my site and find the things you find most interesting. Feel free to comment, pin, and share! Questions, e-mail me at

Most recent blog post is on eye shadow pallets and some of my favorite makeup looks! Check it out here

All new “Munchin’ Mondays” Blog

Hey everyone!

So starting this week, I am launching a new series on my blog about everything I eat on Mondays! Inspired by the lovely Anna Saccone (The Style Diet) and her “What I ate Wednesday’s”, I am doing a weekly update on what I eat on Mondays, which is generally what I eat throughout the week. I am trying to get healthy and fit, so there will be times when I make some bad decisions, but I am not going to hide that from you all. Being healthy and fit is a journey and I am excited to travel this journey with you all. 


Here’s the link (here)

Want to eat and live a healthy lifestyle? E-mail ( or comment on my page and we can do it together! 



Kelly Ruth

All new Friday’s!

Starting the first week of January, I will be posting a new post every Friday! Look for weekly updates in either the Beauty, Closet, DIY, Fitness, Food, or Testimony category on my page! If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to comment on a page or e-mail me at If you have any questions or comments about my faith, feel free to e-mail me as well.

Very excited about my new weekly updates coming January 2014! 

Stay tuned!!


Kelly Ruth


Who is KR?


I honestly doubt anyone is ever going to read this…so this is just for me to have fun and do what I love… pretending to be cool and hip. At first I felt a little weird blogging because everyone does it and sometimes it can  be annoying, but hey; Life is too short to be ashamed of doing what you love.

Anyways, I’m Kelly Ruth (KR). I’m a sophomore in college and an extreme cat lover. Not in like the “I want to be hipster so I’m going to wear cat shirts and drink coffee at a cool coffee shop” kind of way, more like the “I’m obsessed with adorable cats”. I love everything fashion, fitness, health, crafting, and most importantly, JESUS. I strive to do everything in a way that is glorifying to Him.

I am majoring in Secondary Social Studies Education; basically I want to be a high school History teacher! For a moment last year, I was considering changing my major to Apparel Merchandising or something like that; my dream job would be a fashion magazine editor. But, realistically, that’s just not going to happen. I have a passion for teaching, history, dancing, and working with high school students so I feel like that is where the Lord is taking me. But, I do love me some fashion, especially the HISTORY of interesting!

Well, anyways, keep it pretty short and basic. This is me and here is my mod podge of a site!


Kelly Ruth